martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

By Gaga

“When I look back on my life, it’s not that I don’t want to see things exactly as they happened, it’s just that I prefer to remember them in an artistic way. And truthfully, the lie of it all is much more honest because I invented it. Clinical psychology tells us arguably that trauma is the ultimate killer. Memories are not recycled like atoms and particles in quantum psychics, they can be lost forever. It’s sort of like my past is an unfinished painting and as the artist of that painting, I must fill in all the ugly holes and make it beautiful again. It’s not that I’ve been dishonest, it’s just that I loathe reality. For example, those nurses, they’re wearing next season Calvin Klein, and so am I. And the shoes, custom Giuseppe Zanotti. I tipped their gauze caps to the side like Parisian berets because I think it’s romantic, and I also believe that mint will be very big in fashion next Spring.

"Cuando miro hacia atrás en mi vida, no es que no quiera ver las cosas exactamente como pasaron, es sólo que prefiero recordarlas en una forma artística. Y, sinceramente, la mentira de que todo es mucho más honesto porque ya esta inventado. Segun la Psicología clínica podría decirse que el trauma es el último asesino. Los recuerdos no son reciclados como átomos y partículas en psíquicos cuántica, pueden perderse para siempre. Es como si mi pasado fuese una pintura inconclusa y como el artista de la pintura, debo llenar todos los agujeros feos y hacerla hermosa nuevamente. No es que yo haya sido deshonesta, es justo que detesto la realidad. Por ejemplo, las enfermeras, están llevando la próxima temporada Calvin Klein y así soy yo. Y los zapatos, personalizado Giuseppe Zanotti. Inclinó sus gorras de gasa al lado como Boinas parisinas porque creo que es romántico, y también creo que el menta será tendencia en la moda la próxima primavera. 

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

Numéro #128

 The number of this month's issue Numéro, gives us two wonderful editorials;

One about jewelry

And other about fashion inspired by birds:

Anish Kapoor


Anish Kapoor is one of the most influential sculptors. He quickly gained fame in 1980s. Since then he has won international acclaim exhibiting in the best museums and galleries throughout the world.
  The truth is that I didn`t know him till in May I visit Monumenta in the Grand Palais in Paris.

I was impressed with the magnitude of the work (how small it made ​​you feel) and the curves such perfect ... so I started researching about him and I fall completely in love with his work. For me, he is pure inspiration and his obsession with curvilinear volumes, the importance of color and how the viewer is a fundamental part of his work, either as reflected or being submerged in...

MONUMENTA "Leviathan"

Some Other Works


Paperlux(printing) and Novum (Graphic desing magazine) have work together in a new amazing project... Images will explain it more than words, as well as the process video which follow...    

This magazine number 11/11 calls Arts & Crafts. Because the beautiful results old art and craft techniques can lead to are the focus of novum plus section. The high art of printing and print finishing is shown on their flexible cover.

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Lauret Desgrange- bow ties

The bow ties are trend for both boys and girls this year! For this reason I mention Laurent Desgrange.

He been doing bow since 2007. From his Parisian studio he manufactures his original bow ties collection .
Desgrange want to join street fashion with haute couture, and his bow ties are the perfect link, thanks to vivid colors and prints a variety of elegant fabrics. It is impossible to take just one! They are all wonderful and original, with geometric, tribal, smooth, with toile patterns ...price ranges
for the 60 €.

Desgrange became famous with a collection of bow ties designed to be worn in sneakers. And these designs are not only fit to be taken initial the collars, but can be used to supplement, in tabs, headgear ....
Laurent also ventures shirt designs for guys and girls, is a stylist and graphic designer. His designs in this case a reference mixer illustrated in a colorful pop and shameless, which clashes with the styles he has done for various publications, much more classy and looking at the fashion elite.

My favorites.....
